SVG font is not visible

I’m following the tutorial about OpenType SVG font Creating an SVG color font | Glyphs
but when I come to the step to open the font in a browser it shows only the black and white fallback layer and SVG layer is not shown. Even though it works in Photoshop for example. What can be an issue?

Browser support for OpenType SVG is not great:

Better generate the font with a COLR table if possible:

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Maybe you can try to set custom parameter in the export section:
:white_check_mark: Export SVG Table [:x:(untickle here)] ?

and this should be nice to read:

  1. Using Chromacheck to check whether and which kind of color font format your browser is supported. (Depending on Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, will has different result)
  2. Using Wakamaifondue to check which kind of color font you exported, is it in SVG or in CAPL, or both?