I’m using the alternate glyphs solution mentioned here: https://glyphsapp.com/learn/switching-shapes
Here is a sample from my OT features:
condition 23 < wght < 124;
sub R by R.thin;
sub registered by registered.thin;
condition 124 < wght < 147;
sub R by R.thin;
sub registered by registered.thin;
sub dcroat by dcroat.ultra;
sub hbar by hbar.ultra;
I am using the Google Fonts build process to generate fonts and I get the following error via fontmake:
fontmake: Error: In ‘master_ufo/Fontname.designspace’: Generating fonts from Designspace failed: /Users/username/Desktop/Fonts/Fontname/sources/master_ufo/Fontname-Regular.ufo/features.fea:367:1: Expected glyph class definition or statement: got NAME condition
(See image for features.fea:367:1)
I think the issue may be referenced here: https://github.com/googlefonts/glyphsLib/issues/715
I thought I’d check here on this forum first to see if there were any ideas.