Time Zone error on the Forum's Profile

Hello. I just purchased Glyphs 3 and I’m happy to be the part of the community!
I make the profile on this forum and I’m stuck on the setting up my Time Zone. There is two almost similar options:

  • Europe/Kyiv – this one is correct, but I can’t apply it and save changes because of error.
  • Europe/Kiev – this is an old Russian interpretation, not Ukrainian, and not international. However it’s only option I can apply.
    Screen Shot 2023-07-05 at 6.52.15 PM

Can you fix it please?
Thank you!

This forum is using the Discourse software, which also provides support for the various time zones. It appears that Discourse is working on updating the name, see here:

I understand, it’s up to Discourse.
Thank you for the link, I’ll be following this on that topic.