Tosche's Delete Diagonal Nodes script broken (latest betas)

I’ve been using the following script by Tosche to delete diagonal nodes between extremes, but it stopped working with recent beta builds. The Macro panel does not report errors, but the script does nothing when called. Any ideas about this?

#MenuTitle: Delete Diagonal Nodes Between Extremes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Good for cleaning TTF curve. It removes Diagonal Node Between Extremes, after placing the current outline in the background.

import GlyphsApp
import math

thisFont = Glyphs.font # frontmost font
thisFontMaster = thisFont.selectedFontMaster # active master
listOfSelectedLayers = thisFont.selectedLayers # active layers of selected glyphs
selection = listOfSelectedLayers[0].selection # node selection in edit mode / removed ()
thisDoc = Glyphs.currentDocument

def process( thisLayer ):
	for thisPath in thisLayer.paths:
		numOfNodes = len(thisPath.nodes)
		for i in range( -1, numOfNodes):
				hNode = thisPath.nodes[i-1]
				iNode = thisPath.nodes[i]
				jNode = thisPath.nodes[i+1]
				if iNode.type != 65: #if thisNode is on-curve
					if hNode.type == 65 and jNode.type==65:
						#diagonal cleaner
							if thisPath.nodes[i+3].x == thisPath.nodes[i+4].x or thisPath.nodes[i+3].y == thisPath.nodes[i+4].y or thisPath.nodes[i-3].x == thisPath.nodes[i-4].x or thisPath.nodes[i-3].y == thisPath.nodes[i-4].y:
								if hNode.x == jNode.x or hNode.y == jNode.y:
									boolx1 = hNode.x < iNode.x < jNode.x
									boolx2 = hNode.x > iNode.x > jNode.x
									booly1 = hNode.y < iNode.y < jNode.y
									booly2 = hNode.y > iNode.y > jNode.y
									if (boolx1 or boolx2) and (booly1 or booly2):
										atan2hi = math.atan2(iNode.y-hNode.y,iNode.x-hNode.x)
										atan2ij = math.atan2(jNode.y-iNode.y,jNode.x-iNode.x)
										if abs(atan2ij-atan2hi) < 0.1:

						#diagonal cleaner, exactly the same again
							if thisPath.nodes[i+3].x == thisPath.nodes[i+4].x or thisPath.nodes[i+3].y == thisPath.nodes[i+4].y or thisPath.nodes[i-3].x == thisPath.nodes[i-4].x or thisPath.nodes[i-3].y == thisPath.nodes[i-4].y:
								if hNode.x == jNode.x or hNode.y == jNode.y:
									boolx1 = hNode.x < iNode.x < jNode.x
									boolx2 = hNode.x > iNode.x > jNode.x
									booly1 = hNode.y < iNode.y < jNode.y
									booly2 = hNode.y > iNode.y > jNode.y
									if (boolx1 or boolx2) and (booly1 or booly2):
										atan2hi = math.atan2(iNode.y-hNode.y,iNode.x-hNode.x)
										atan2ij = math.atan2(jNode.y-iNode.y,jNode.x-iNode.x)
										if abs(atan2ij-atan2hi) < 0.1:


thisFont.disableUpdateInterface() # suppresses UI updates in Font View

for thisLayer in listOfSelectedLayers:
	thisGlyph = thisLayer.parent
	thisGlyph.beginUndo() # begin undo grouping
	for thisMaster in thisFont.masters:
		layer = thisGlyph.layers[]
		process( layer )
	thisGlyph.endUndo()   # end undo grouping

thisFont.enableUpdateInterface() # re-enables UI updates in Font View

In my case it fails to import robofab (yes, I still cannot solve this problem after all those advices), so I cannot fix this at the moment.

But this code doesn’t look new though. Could you download the zip and install it again?

Okay, makes sense @Tosche

This is the latest version from your Github. I just copied/pasted to the forum. Only difference is I removed the parenthesis from the following variable:

selection = listOfSelectedLayers[0].selection()

to look like this…

selection = listOfSelectedLayers[0].selection

Sorry, I’ve forgotten to update it. How is it now?

@Tosche I made that change on my local copy, so your update on github is the same as I have now. Still fails to produce any results, but no error in macro panel.

Okay, updated again. How about it this time?

Awesome. It’s working again. Thanks @Tosche !