Tried installing a Script plug-in (Cadence-o-matic) and not appearing in Script Menu

I’ve tried several times to try and get this script plug-in to work for Glyphs 3 following the installation instructions. I’ve also tried installing, deleting, and reinstalling Python and Vanilla several times. For some reason still not appearing in the Scripts menu. Any thoughts?

I am not sure what plugin or script you are referring to. Could you provide a like or screenshot of where you found this Cadence-o-matic?

Florian, I was able to figure out what was going on - the documentation from the author was incorrect as to where the install should go. Have it sorted now.

Cadence-o-matic is a custom auto-spacing plug-in and is an implementation of Frank E. Blokland’s unitization theory, which is rooted in Renaissance type production principles. (