Typeface not Exporting?

I already went through the troubleshooting page on the Glyphs website, to no avail. I can export the variable version without issue, but I can’t export the .OTF or .TTF, there is no dialogue box that pops up, nothing happens.

Is this something on my end? (I would assume so, but I’ve triple checked all my masters and the variable version exports without issue).

Bloc_V5_100923.glyphs (946.9 KB)

Do you get an error message?

Nope, it’s as if nothing happened.

Because I get one that states the problem.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-10 um 16.24.17

There are two instances with the same “fileName” parameter. The one in “Bold Condensed” is wrong.

Perfect thank you, I can guarantee I didn’t get that pop up though, any ideas why?

I also don’t get those pop-ups, which had me confused a couple of times.

It was actually supposed to show the error like this:

I still run into this problem in Glyphs 3.2.

If two exports would overwrite each other because of identical file names, the export fails, but I don’t get any indication (message box) of what went wrong or even that something went wrong at all.