Unable to round some fractional coordinates


I am editing Kanji glyphs with lots of nodes and fractional coordinates, which are scanned and traced from brushed drawings. Some of the coordinates are very close to integers, say 100.001 or 329.994.

First, I tried to round them using my Python script but they remained unchanged. Next I put a rounded value into the Info Box in the Edit view, but it didn’t work. Paths > Round Coordinates neither.

After trying several times, I discovered that I can’t update values with delta less than 0.0099. That means the second line in the following code will be no-op:

node.position = NSMakePoint(100.001, 329.994)
node.position = NSMakePoint(100.000, 330.000)
<NSPoint x=100.001 y=329.994>

If I’m not missing something, I find the behavior is counterintuitive. Is it a design decision or can it be fixed? What would be the best way to round all fractional coordinates to integers?

I’m on an M2 MacBook Air with Mac OS Ventura 13.0 running Glyphs 3.2 (3210).

Thanks for the report. I fixed it. For now, select all and move everything with the cursor keys one unit and back.

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Thank you Georg! Is the fix due for the next release?

Update is out (as cutting edge).

I can confirm that it works in 3.2.1.(3258).
Thank you for the quick fix!