Undo bug

I have the same bug in Glyphs Mini Version 1.5.1 (37) from the App store. It always happens when you do a first edit on a node and then an undo. I wish Mini also could be update to a cutting edge version.

Here’s another Undo bug.

  1. I auto-generate the denominator figures. They get filled with components of the regular figures.
  2. I apply a Transform from the menu a few times to make them smaller and higher.
  3. When I hit «Undo» after the last Transformation, keeping all of these glyphs selected, they all vanish as if I had never generated them.

Very frustrating…

Are you doing this from the font or the edit view?


Do you have a custom GlyphData with the decomposition of the .dnom glyphs?

And I can’t reproduce this. Can you make a screencast that I can see what exactly you are doing?