Undo keeps crashing glyphs

Version 2.4b (930)
I make a change to path, and it crashes

Undoing a path edit crashes? Cannot reproduce.
Please send the crash reports.

I always send crash reports. I will try to look more carefully what I am doing before hand. It happens quite a lot.

Very good. In that case, you do not need to open a topic in the forum. A description in the crash report helps much more.

That crash is fixed in 931.

this was driving me crazy.
very frequent updates are becoming essential for things to work ok - I’m a little worried by this Georg, I’ve a deadline today that I won’t be able to meet because Glyphs isn’t working.

If you find the most recent version too unstable, you may want to revert to a previous version. Here are the links for some of the recent ones:
931: https://updates.glyphsapp.com/Glyphs2.4b-931.zip
930: https://updates.glyphsapp.com/Glyphs2.4b-930.zip
929: https://updates.glyphsapp.com/Glyphs2.4b-929.zip
926: https://updates.glyphsapp.com/Glyphs2.4b-926.zip

The most unstable where 927–929.

There is a red warning in the updater that this is to be expected.

appreciated Georg, which was the last commercial release and I’ll use that?

The latest stable version should be available via: http://updates.glyphsapp.com/latest2.php

That link is on the Glyphs Get App page.

Some folk will rename the cutting edge beta versions to be able to have both available.

I like to apologise for the rough version from last week. I hope I cleaned that up now. Please give the latest version a try.