Uppercase letters spacing


Is there a way to give all uppercase letters a little more space?


Filter menu > Transform > Metrics

Ok maybe I asked wrong.
I would like to give the uppercase letters more space than the lower case letters with scripting.

Try the opentype “feature cpsp”. Can be generated automatical.

@georg: can you give a short insight what the different figures mean
pos <0 xx 0 xx>
= pos <0 before 0 after>?
= pos <0 shift-shape-on-square 0 make-square-wider>

Ah ok.
pos @Uppercase <5 0 10 0>;


The first two move the outline horizontal and vertically. The other two move the cursor for the next glyph.

I believe you may find that cpsp only works when using the “All Caps” formatting in some applications, i.e. if you’re just typing in all caps it may not work.

Jakob: The two coordinate pairs are called a Value Record. The first x/y pair (moving the outline) is usually referred to as Placement, the second one (moving the cursor for the next glyph) as Advance. Read all about it here: