Use spacebar quick fill from Reporter dialog

I have a Reporter dialog with some options and I want to press the spacebar to see the quick fill preview without needing to click the edit view. Just like if you run a Filter you can still press spacebar for the preview. I tried to override keyDown_ in the dialog and that works to capture the spacebar event, but when I try to propagate it to the edit view or wherever it doesn’t do anything. I’m probably sending the event to the wrong place. I also see on the app object there are spaceDown and setSpaceDown_ methods. Are those to do with spacebar handling?

Implement this method:

def flagsChanged_(self, theEvent):
	if theEvent.keyCode() == 49:

or if you already have a reference to the current font

def flagsChanged_(self, theEvent):
	if theEvent.keyCode() == 49:

(I typed this in Safari)

Just implementing flagsChanged_ doesn’t do anything for me, but if I check for the space key in my keyUp_ and keyDown_ and then pass the event to self.font.parent.windowController().flagsChanged_(theEvent) it works perfectly.