Dear all @ Glyphs,
I created that 3-axis Variable font (wdth, wght, slnt) and would now like to optimize my Italics (slanted) by adding some alternative layers to a number of glyphs. I started with the O. I filled the whole design space with alternates and set their values to the minimums. By doing so, I only inserted a minimum value only on the axis where it makes sense, and left the others blank:
Such as: Light Semi Condensed: wdth min: 80 – the rest is blank.
I guess I am doing something wrong. Could you help me untangle this? Once I know, I can continue myself. Thanks for any hint!
What are you trying to do? Why so many alternates for an O? Did you mean to use Intermediates?
I am not satisfied with the o, when it comes to Semi Condensed Italic Bold, it is ugly. That is why I am trying to use an alternate. Is that the wrong thing? I just tried with intermediates, but seem to be too stupid to understand, how this is supposed to be. Tutorials weren’t of so mich help either, since they show only one axis. Thanks for your hint as to what to do next.
My colleagues just decided for me to supply two different files, one for the uprights and one for the italics, because of problems they see with Safari and the slant axis. So I guess, we can close this for now. But I am interested anyway, what you think of this.
Bracket or alternate layers are meant to put several interpolations into one glyph. So you can use different shapes in some areas of the glyph. All layers that have belong to the same “set” need to be compatible.
What you did is to add four different sets. That is not what you want.
What you can do is:
Draw one set of shapes for the Normal shapes (without the flat parts) for all masters (the condensed will not look good but you still need them. And one set of outlines with the flat parts for condensed and normal.
Put the Round-Normal shapes into the Normal masters but the Round-Condensed in extra layers. For the flat shapes do the opposite.
Then make all the flat layer (including the condensed masters) an alternate layer with 80<Width
. I made a sample file:
Bracket O.glyphs (8.4 KB)