Variable Fonts Bugs in the Arabic Script

Just sent you the file via email.

You might be interested in checking this discussion also:

It seems for the RTL kerning the value should be inputted differently than the normal LTR.

Qassim point this out to me and he will explain it more on the forum.

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I have done some testing on one of my fonts especially on Kerning problem,

and my conclusion: Is once Glyphs app generating the RTL kerning like this:

pos reh-ar.fina beh-ar 100;

the kerning will not work correctly,

but once generated like this it’s working fine:

pos reh-ar.fina beh-ar <100 0 100 0>;

and that what I noticed which is already mentioned here:

and every time I generated the font, I opened it again in FontLab to read the Kerning feature

My Glyphs version: 2.6.2 (1243)

And once you add your features manually it also works…

Kerning works fine and no need for manual insertion.

Yes the kernning works fine without any additional manual feature, but not always or I’m not sure about that! ,

& I have generated my font more than one time to test that.
What I think that the font with Pascal is quite complex… and the version of Glyphs that he has is not stable also.


From the lengthy experience with the Kerning I have not had any problem except with the punctuation have been solved in a later update.

I had a look at the file and it is indeed broken. I’ll fix it. The kerning for the default instance and for glyph kerning should work. Class kerning has problems.

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Thank you Georg for the looking into the files and the feedback over the class kerning. Looking forward to the upcoming new version of Glyphs.

Thank you Qassim for your help and feedback too. Very helpful.

Emad (iSkyFalConS), it is appreciated to keep a professional level of discussion in the forum.

Thank you,

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Oh Pascal, i’m sorry.