Vertical Metrics in Glyphs Mini

I was working on my very first typeface on glyphs mini
I tried using the typeface in Illustrator, noticed the bounding box was way too tall. (img attached 1, 2)
upon asking i came across vertical metrics how different platform uses different metrics, read the blog post on it on the glyphs website.

i was wondering if and how can i set custom metrics in glyphs mini, or is it a feature exclusive to Glyphs app.

Illustrator determines the bounding box height based on the height of the lowercase d, if I recall correctly. Do you have one in your font and if so, how high is it?

Hey Sebastian,

The typeface i am working on only has uppercase letters, but i’ve copy pasted the uppercase D glyph in the lowercase d glyph, and tested it, still the issue persists.

How are you testing? Have a look at this: Testing your fonts in Adobe apps | Glyphs

Tried this, this doesn’t seem to be the issue, since its happening in Figma too.
this is the Vertical Metrics article i was referring to in the beginning of the thread.

I don’t think custom parameters such as vertical metrics are supported in Glyphs Mini.

Can you show the metadata of your font’s master? Just a screenshot of the Master panel in Font Info.

Here :

The ascender and descended addend together should roughly be the same size as the “Units per Em”. Your font is drawn way to small on the em. Set the UPM to something like 400.

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This Works!

Thank you so much!

Play around with this number to adjust the size of the font.