"An unknown error occurred when writing raw font."

I have this export error quite a lot since 3.2 is live. It happened in all the cutting edge versions since then. Today with 3306.

Usually the same file exports fine when I close Glyphs and try again. Today it is a little more annoying than usually, since I was trying to check if the export speed for big Hangeul files improved, and I got that error after 5 Minutes of waiting. Now I try again …

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Always the same font? Or no matter which one?

Could you send me that font again?

Actually no matter which font.

I’ll send it again. It can also be used for the export time checking (where I just wrote it takes 28 minutes now).

Getting this same error. Any fix for this coming up?

Can you send me the file for testing?

I’m also getting this message. I noticed it happens every time I change the export destination of static fonts export dialogue.

I could not nail it down on that yet, but this sounds familiar. I was also switching between var font export and static and/or changing the destination

I’m getting the same error message. In my case I did change the export destination after a long time from the adobe folder to a different folder. Since then: always the same error – can’t export anywhere.

Glyphs Version 3.2.3 (3260)

Where to did you set the export folder?

I set the export destination in the export dialogue (⌘ + E) in the OTF tab. But also with the checkbox unchecked (choosing the destination in the next step) I get the same error – and no OTF files.

After reading this discussion I tried also to export a Variable Font via the VF tab, This throws a similar error “Something is wrong with Glyphs. Please restart or reinstall the app.” – but at least exports a file.

Still getting the same error whenever I change the export destination. After I restart glyphs it works fine.

This is also been happening to me for a few months now. Its very consistent.

  1. I change export destination and this error appears.

  2. Restart glyphs, it exports fine no matter the font.

(This happenes with Static and VF’s, UFO’s dont have the error.)

I change export destination

How exactly do you do this? Wand what paths do you use?

By clicking the path under Export Destination and then navigating to a new location.

The specific path doesn’t change the issue. If the Export Destination is changed, regardless of where to, the error appears and I need to relaunch Glyphs.

Can you try to start without plugins. Hold down the Option + Shift key when you start Glyphs.

I have tried with the Option + Shift start too and I am still presented with this error. This happens until I relaunch glyphs and export again.

Can you please send me the .glyphs file to support (at) (this website without ‘www’ or ‘forum’). I will have a look.

Has there been a fix for this? It’s something I have been experiencing regularly too, regardless of glyphs file. Always when I change the export destination.

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Its not a particular Glyphs files. Its all glyphs files. Even ones I havent opened for years.

Do you still want me to send you a glyphs files?

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