Finder QuickLook Preview Not Working

macOS, 12.7.5 (21H1222)

3.3 (3324)

Not sure what happened. It stopped working this week.

What exactly isn’t working? Does it display code like in Sequoia? QuickLook finder preview not working properly

I can confirm this. I installed an macOS update last night and it doesn’t work since then. I’m investigating.

The interesting thing is that OP is on macOS 12.7.5, which is a much older version.

Sometimes it shows, most of the time it doens’t:

Did I just get “no u”'d for calling your macOS version old? :grin:

I get the same, and have been for a long time. Some days it works, some days it doesn’t.

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Ok I realised quicklook is broken across all my files after all.