Glyphs 2 Beta

671 has this inability to scale from grey info box. Again. Could you have a look?

Also, I don’t like duplicating the selection by option-dragging. I think it’s too error-prone. And I’m also holding control, it’s clear that I want to nudge-move, whereas Glyphs thinks it’s duplicating.

fixed that
I think the problem here is that opt-dragging on a segment (as opposed to a complete path) duplicates the path without moving it. So it's easy to litter a working file with open paths. Nudge-move works with no duplication for me. Are you sure you're hitting the right keys?

I cannot reproduce the nudge problem either. Can you make a quick screencast maybe?

We already know about the problem with option-dragging a segment.

Previously, you could add Control (or Option) after you started dragging. As long as you were holding right keys when you finish dragging, it was fine. Not anymore.

You can still do that: start dragging, and add Ctrl+Opt, or start with Opt and add Ctrl.

You cannot start with Ctrl only because this brings up the context menu. But that is not new either.

Maybe you mean something else? If so, a quick screencast ( is a good tool for that) may help.

(EDIT:) Or wait a minute, do you drag somewhere on the segment rather than on a selected node?

I guess that's what I mean. Anyway, I think this new feature is too sensitive.

Another bug report:
If you reorder a list view (say, by width) and go back to icon view, that is affected too, which is annoying. Also the ‘last open tab’ problem in list view isn’t fixed yet.

I’m wondering where I can get the latest built of the G2 beta? - still has Version 2.0.0 (660) and if I’m trying to update within the application it keeps saying that I have the latest version available… Based on this tread the latest would be 671?

The rotation tool that doesn’t work is too annoying! :slight_smile:


You need to activate the “show cutting edge versions” in preferences > Updates.

Thank you!

First time fiddling with the beta here. I’ve accidentally selected Macintosh HD as the export destination and now I can’t select another location because the breadcrumbs are missing:

I will fix this. In the meantime, use this command in the Terminal to reset the export path.

defaults write com.GeorgSeifert.Glyphs2 OTFExportPath ‘ExportPath’

Workaround: Paste this line in Terminal:
defaults write com.GeorgSeifert.Glyphs2 OTFExportPath “~/Desktop/”

Edit: Oops too late :slight_smile:

Thanks Georg and Mekkablue!

I was dumb enough to copy and paste Georg’s command without specifying the path. The result was the OTF option on the export window went missing as a whole. Then, I understood I should specify the path on the command, just like Mekkablue’s example. It is working now :slight_smile:

In an italic typeface, if I reference a glyph’s sidebearing directly (i.e. o for the left sidebearing of e) or in a simple equation (i.e. =n-30 for the left sidebearing of h), Glyphs will always say that the value needs to be updated. This doesn’t happen in all masters. My guess is that Glyphs gets lost because the bounding box is slanted and the countours are not identical.

Here’s a video demonstration:

This also happens in Glyphs 1.4.4, but as it doesn’t mark the value red, it doesn’t look like there’s something wrong. Having said that, I believe this is only a cosmetic issue. It is not likely one unit will throw the spacing off, but if it keeps marked in red it might confuse the user.

Can happen if the result has decimals and your grid is set to full units. What happens if you set the grid subdivision to 10 or 100?

675 build - if I change width of a glyph, it automatically change the right bearing. Is it a new bug? It used to work properly in the previous versions.
For example: L and R are set to 50 and W is 372. When I try changing W to 300, it automatically change R to -22. If I change R back to 50, the width is changed back to 372.

It is supposed to be doing that. The example you give is how it should work.

Has it always worked this way?.. I believe, in the previous builds, I was able to set the width of a glyph independently so the left and right bearing wouldn’t be changed along with the width? No?

how should that work? If you change the width, the RSB has to change as it is just the difference between the rightmost part of the glyphs and the right side of the width.