Glyphs 3 Crash in Big Sur

That was reported a few times and is fixed in version 3085.

Thanks Georg! It’s working! :ok_hand:
The thing now is that I always get the following warning:

Installer PyObjC en exécutant pip3 install pyobjc dans le Terminal. Il se peut que vous deviez d’abord exécuter
xcode-select --install
which I did… I checked and I do have Python 3.8.2 (Glyphs) selected in the preferences but the message still shows at every launch.

Remove and re-install the python module in the plugin manager.

I only have FontTools, RoboFab and Vanilla showing in the plugin manager > Modules.
I tried to delete and re-install all of them.
I also tried to change in Preferences > Modules > Python 3.7.3 (Homebrew) and come back to 3.8.2 (Glyphs) – every time closing and re-opening Glyphs.
But it still remains.

Please get the latest cutting edge version (activate it in preferences > updates)

Thanks a lot Georg! Everything seems to work fine this time.