Kerning changes as I type using Exported font

When I export my font and test it in Illustrator or InDesign the kerning changes as I type. For example, if I type the word “Test”, “Tes” will type with correct kerning, but then when I type the last “t” it will push back the other letters and the “es” will overlap.

The kerning is set to Metrics on illustrate and indesign. I’ve tried exporting as otf, ttf, and also as a test font. Same thing every time.

How are you testing the fonts? Don’t install them to your system. Try: Testing your fonts in Adobe apps | Glyphs

Does the same happen when testing in

Hi, I tried testing it in adobe apps, then when I had that problem I tested by installing it. Had the problem both ways. And yes I have the same problem when testing on

Can you show what the kerning looks like in Glyphs? How have you set up your kerning and kerning classes?

How do I show you that (this is the first font I’m making)? And I’m pretty certain I did it in a painstakingly long way without setting it up properly kerning large paragraphs of sample text.

When you were building the font did you set correct spacing (not kerning) for each letter?

Meaning side bearings? If so yes.

Can you show a screenshot of the letter e in Glyphs, showing its metrics info (the grey panel in the bottom)?

The sidebearing numbers are a bit odd because I adjusted them overall using transform metrics.

This is a lowercase e (it’s small caps):

This is uppercase E (left):

Have a look at this tutorial:

Pay special attention to the Group Kerning section.

Another note: If a metrics key is in cyan (like in your screenshot), it means that it’s invalid. What you mean to write is =h/2. Calculations require a = prefix.

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Test it outside of Adobe apps (e.g. in because you might see a font cache problem.

And read this:
Spacing | Glyphs
Kerning | Glyphs

ok, thank you! I’ll look into that.

Thank you, will read them. I did test in, had the same problem. Maybe it has to do with what Sebastian is pointing out above.

Is there a way to delete all modified kerning and start from scratch?

Open the Kerning panel, select all and click the minus button in the lower left.

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I deleted all of the kerning and it still does the weird jump, here is an example. Once I type the t the es jumps together.


That is very weird. Do you have any feature code you added?

No. I’m not even sure how to do that.

Can you send us the file?