Weird kerning behavior in Word for macOS


I have a weird behavior in Word on macOS as shown in the following video (OTF, installed with Font Book):

FYI, I already tried “Keep kerning in one lookup” param, and basically everything from this topic. And I know that MS software are basically crap, but my client keeps getting back to me about those issues. One interesting thing I tried, I opened the Glyphs file in FL8 and exported it to OTF, and it worked flawlessly.
Also, when I try “positive” kerning values, the weird behavior does not happen. Another thing; the “bigger” the negative value, the smaller the letters appear in word.

Thanks in advance

  1. Word does not like OTFs. Better use TTFs
  2. How are you avoiding cache issues?
  3. Does it appear anywhere else? TextEdit, FontGoggles?
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You most likely have some Arabic kerning in LTR mode. Open the Kerning window in, switch the Edit view to LTR and check that the list doesn’t contains any arabic kerning.

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  1. I know, but a ttf file is not working at all to begin with, it defaults to arial.
  2. Just deleting the files from FontBook and Renaming the new files
  3. It appears only in Word on macOS

Nothing from what I can see, in both masters.

Can you send me the .glyphs file?

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Done :incoming_envelope:

that is super strange. I added some Latin kerning and the behaviors is the same. You time a letter and when adding another one that has kerning with the first, the first letter will be scaled down a bit. I have never seen any thing like this. Turns out that if you export the font without the svg table it is fine.


I have seen this in a font with COLR table as well. I wonder if all color table trigger this issue.

Disabling the SVG table indeed solve the issue but raises another one; the colored logo don’t show up anymore.

Congratulations, you have discovered a Microsoft Word bug. The only solution is to not use color tables. Will add this to the Windows tutorial.

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