Glyphs 2 Beta



When working at 13" I have to have the app run in almost full screen to see all of the palette’s features. I am used to having a smaller window so that I can see part of the desktop. With Glyphs 1 palette, I could have the full palette and a smaller working window. I am not suggesting it as an improvement, it’s just that it worked better for me as it was.

It is to complicated to support both. Because if the palettes are docked there is on palette per window, otherwise there is only one and it needs to respond to the foremost window. To switch between the two modes it complicated.
Why do you need to see the desktop? Try expose or an active corner to make the desktop visible.

RE: New info panel

It looks neater but I really preferred the old design despite it having some more ui (like L, R, G, K labels). Thew new one is confusing and a misleading to see the following.

Which to me reads like ‘-70 Group kerning’, even though I understand ‘Group’ is actually just placeholder indicating that the text box is for the Group definition
 perhaps I just find the change jarring.

It’s confusing to have such persistent placeholder label text there.

I agree! That's why originally I suggested the option of toggling the kerning numbers separate from the blue bars – this would prevent it from getting too crowded at small sizes.
I am already using active corner. It's ok, if it's so complicated. I just thought it was better as it was in Glyphs1.

Bug with locl feature auto-generation:

Create ogonekcomb.loclATH

Auto-generation puts the following at the top of the locl feature section:
1 language ATH;
2 sub ogonekcomb by ogonekcomb.loclATH;
4 script latn;

aogonek.loclATH is put in the proper “language ATH;” section under “script latn;” but ogonekcomb.loclATH and ogonek.loclATH are put at the very top. So, one gets a MakeOTF error message of:

Error: “DFLT script tag may be used only with the dlft language tag. (text was “ATH”)” in Feature locl in line: 1

Also, note the typo in that message “dlft” should be “dflt”. Though that might be a MakeOTF typo.

I fixed the ATH problem.

Confirmed, the round font bug has now been squashed. THANK YOU!

I noticed that the mgrk feature was being auto-generated in Glyphs 2.0.0 (699) beta; probably started earlier since I hadn’t run the full feature Update during the beta, until now.

I know that I can disable or remove it (as I do for cpsp in a monospace font).

But, I was wondering about the current state of use. According to this old thread (and comments from Adam Twardoch & Thomas Phinney), it seems that mgrk should perhaps be considered deprecated:
What do you think, Georg & Eric?

Also, with regards to the ‘All’ & ‘AllLetters’ classes, what is the trigger to get them included? I did an Update on auto-generated features, but they did not show up. With another .glyphs file, I deleted the features and pressed Update to generate the auto-generated ones, but only the ‘Uppercase’ class was created in Classes. Thanks.

Update: I did notice that if I created ‘All’ & ‘AllLetters’ classes that I could check ‘generate Feature automatically’ and it would get filled in. It seems that you might want the classes to appear (if they don’t exist) when updating all auto-generated features, as you do for ‘Uppercase’.

I removed the mgrk feature. It is handled like the ‘All’ classes that it is only updated it you add it manually. And did the same for the ‘cpsp’ feature.

Is it only me experiencing the ShowInterpolations Filter not displaying anything? (G2 699, every other Filter switched off) Same files in G1 work.

Out of curiosity: what is the button »edit all layer« about anyway? Can’t figure out its function.

I was trying the brace and bracket tricks and I think I am missing something. Is there a way the glyphs that have the bracketed/braced glyph as a component to be autoupdated? For example if I create a braced e for a certain weight, the accented e’s won’t change.

You need to preview that in InDesign. Export your font in the Adobe Fonts folder:
Works for me in 699 on 10.10.2. DO you have the latest version of the filter?
You can select & edit everything regardless on which layer it is, as long as the layer is set to display (with the eye symbol in Layers Palette).

Tried it and the composite glyphs are actually updated. Cool. Thanks.

thanks mekka, updating the filter worked. and the layers thing sounds pretty interesting.

RE: woff & woff2:
I had some issue with the colon (using 2 times the period as components). Its component order is legit and displays a legit colon in the exported otf. In the 2 webfonts however it got messed up (displaying just a period, maybe overlapping – couldn’t check that). I decomposed it and then the woffs are ok.

Do you have a scale parameter in your instances?

Hi guys!

What does the outlined and filled box and its values mean?

Forget it, I realized that the outlined box indicate the number of points (nodes and bezier handlers) in the selected path meanwhile the solid or filled box shows the number of selected points in the selected path.