Glyphs 2 Beta

Of course, you can find the .glyphs at the following link:
Asap Devanagari.glyphs

Fixed another small issue.

suggestion –

there is a new “flip-preview” mode usable in Glyphs 2 (small “F”-icon in preview-footer). Its possible to flip the view ‘horizontal’.

Could it be a good method when you also can flip it ‘vertical’ … or both?
(f.e. for Spacing, because I often just juse the upper-half of glyphs)

Hi, there are some things that I have noticed with the new Custom Parameters of Glyphs 2:

1- There is one master parameter called shoulderHeight, I think that this parameter is in order to make a horizontal baselines table, but neither in OTMaster nor FontForge, I can see any BASE table in the generated fonts.

2- When at least one of the OS/2 metrics (typoAscender, winAscent…) is set in the master parameters and then the Scale UPM in the instance parameters is set , the OS/2 metrics values are not scaled according with the new UPM size in the generated font.

3- In the Instance Parameters there is Save as TrueType twice.

4- In the dialog box of the Instance parameter TTFAutohint options, I can not set the option Default Script and it is not specified the Fallback Script option; it seems like the Default Script is twice but I think that one of them is the fallback script option. Also the option Add Autohint Info is not working as I expected.

5- In the Instance Parameters there is a option called Compatible Name Table, I don’t know what really this option does, but when I check the generated fonts in OTMaster, for the Full Font Name string in the name table, the string that is supposed to be identical to the PostScript FontName in the CFF Name INDEX, isn’t it. You can see the alert on the following image.

The alert is only in the OTFs, the TTFs seem correct.

Thanks guys for working hard in this Beta.

Compatible Name Table is only for very specific applications. There is a description in the help file and the appendix of the handbook.

  1. The sholderHeight has nothing to do with the BASE table. It is an option to have an alternate xHeight for indic scripts. It works similar to the smallCapXHeight.
  2. The Scale UPM parameter seems to be broken at the moment. I found some problems myself but didn’t had time to look into it.
  3. fixed it.
  4. The default script is not implemented, yet.
  5. makeOTF used to produce none standard name tables. They changed that a few years ago. But some App (Quark, FontExplorer) rely on the wrong tables, so if you need to support those apps, you can use this parameter. The wording might not be optimal.
This is on my list
fixed it.
There was a conflict with the kerning window shortcut. cmd+K replaced the background with the current selection cmd+opt+K would add the selection to the background. but cmd+opt+K was also the shortcut to show the Kerning panel. So one had to move
Yes Yes, but that has not changed from version 1. Yes. But only for the outside of App Store version. So please buy it from the website directly (there are a increasing number of features that are not possible in the App Store version and the updates take much longer.

Just found a small bug in Glyphs 2:
Clicked on Glyphs-Add Glyphs, started typing there and at some point text had stopped appearing in the panel. To make it visible again, I had to click on the “?” button…
When you copy-paste glyph names there - it works just fine though. But typing in - doesn’t work properly.

Hmmm, copy/paste has stopped working as well :-/

Can’t reproduce it. What did you type there? Can you send a screenshot?

Well, this is annoying and should be fixed soon.
It seems dimension in Pallete are accepting only the last values typed, but just for the “O”?!
H, n, o and t are fine.

H, n and t are ok.

O and o are not.

fixed it

I will once/if I face the same issue. It might have been related to TextEdit app. If I’m not mistaken, Glyphs uses some features from OSX so it might have been that… Or lack of video memory… Everything works fine now (after the lates update at least)

Seen you’ve added custom colour for nodes.
Could you also add custom colour for app background? On a big screen the full white bkg is killing my eyes

  1. Why is that selected corner nodes are no longer filled in? Is this an bug?

  2. Selecting any other non master layer will not display that version in the preview panel.

  3. I’m still finding it cumbersome to open the preview panel in every tab and resizing the preview panel to the same size in each tab…